IPA App Audubon Birds Version 1.4

IPA App Audubon Birds Version 1.4
IPA App Audubon Birds Version 1.4 - A Field Guide to North American Birds
Now iPad compatible. Download this app and use on your iTouch, iPhone and iPad. Once downloaded, no Internet connection is needed to run the application.

What's new in Version 1.4
PLEASE NOTE CURRENT USERS: If you have not created an account to sync your content, please do so before the update.
Optimized for iPad
Enhanced Performance for OS 4
Sort Families by Taxonomic Order
New Search Characteristics - Wing Shape, Song and Call Type, Song and Call Pattern, Locomotion, Likelihood by State or Province and Month
Scientific Name Search
10 New Species – Black-tailed Gull, Cook's Petrel, Garganey, Kelp Gull, Little Egret, Little Stint, Murphy's Petrel, Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel, White-cheeked Pintail
128 new winter range maps (Central and South America) for neo tropical migrants
Increased stability

IPA Size 373 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later.

Download here