IPA Game Corporate Fury Version 1.2

IPA Game Corporate Fury Version 1.2
IPA Game Corporate Fury Version 1.2
Corporate Fury is a fast-paced, stylish, third-person 3D action game set in a futuristic dystopia. As a result of environmental contamination, humans are confined to protective structures. Resources are limited, and survival is dictated by powerful, privately-owned companies. The player finds him or herself working at one such company, where the only way to survive... is to fight.

What's new in Version 1.2
New swipe to turn functionality for roaming mode. You can drag your finger across the right side of the screen to supplement stick-based turning.
New item: Hiking Boots, buyable at Frank's. The Hiking Boots provide a cheap boost of speed, but only outside of combat.
iPod music support! Start the game while iPod music is playing, and it will continue playing while the game automatically disables its own music.
Corporate Fury no longer restarts when task-switching in certain conditions.
User is now warned on start-up when there is not enough storage space for save writes.
Fixed a crash on exit, and potential save crashes.
Fixed a potential crash in the AI pathing logic.
Fixed possible bad touch state when task-switching away from app while holding 2 or more on-screen buttons.

IPA size 52.1 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.1.3 or later.

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