EirText Pro IPA App Version 4.0.8

EirText Pro IPA App Version 4.0.8
EirText Pro IPA App Version 4.0.8
EirText Pro allows VoIP service subscribers to use their iPhone iPad, or iPod Touch to send their free or cheap SMS text messages directly from their handset.

Having issues? Please visit the support forum: http://support.eirtext.com

EirText Pro combines the functionality & speed of EirText with new, enhanced features:

- Full iPad support: a beautiful, unique user interface, specifically designed for iPad
- iOS 4 fast app switching
- iOS 4 task completion: so you can hit send and immediately close the app while the app continues to send your message in the background
- Full history and contact search
- Custom groups
- Favourites
- Multiple accounts

- Push message sending (subscription based) to all EirText & EirText Pro users
- International texting for O2.ie, Vodafone.ie (and pay-for VoIP service) subscribers
- O2.ie Message scheduling
- O2.ie message delivery status (in-app)
- O2.ie Delivery report notification (requires EirText for Mac)
- Message forwarding
- Dial out from message history
- SMS from message history
- Easily switch between multiple accounts/services
- Landscape mode with large text for easy texting while on the go
- Signature
- Insert current location
- Share your number via Bluetooth
- Append a special Reply Link to your message which allows any EirText user to reply to your message with a single tap.
- URL shortener
- Message import from O2.ie

An account with one of the following providers:

- O2.ie
- O2.co.uk - O2 Broadband users get 200 free messages
- Meteor.ie
- Vodafone.ie
- Three.ie

- blueface.ie
- voipcheap.com
- voipcheap.co.uk
- internetcalls.com
- 12voip.com
- lowratevoip.com
- smsdiscount.com
- voipdiscount.com
- freecall.com
- voipbuster.com
- dialnow.com
- nonoh.net
- smsListo.com
- sipdiscount.com
- calleasy.com
- voipraider.com
- voipwise.com
- justvoip.com
- poivy.com
- voipbusterpro.com
- sparvoip.de
- voipstunt.com
- netappel.fr
- webcalldirect.com
What's new in Version 4.0.8

IPA size 4.8 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
Fixes Vodafone.ie login issue.

Download here: