FlickTunes Music Player — Gesture Controls for Car & GymIPA App Version 1.7.8
AppAdvice.com says FlickTunes is essential — hands down the best way to listen to your music and navigate through your playlist blind simply by using finger gestures. ♫ Apple named it an App Store Staff Favorite. ♫ Get it now and find out why!
Flick. Swipe. Poke. FlickTunes combines gesture-based controls with a bold, clean interface to create the safest and most effective way to control your music. Use it anywhere you can't afford to spend time looking for those tiny buttons on your music player! You probably won't ever need to take your eyes off the road again.
Choose your own font, orientation, gestures, default playlist and more! With 15 gestures, 40+ actions, and more than 25 settings, you have the power to remake FlickTunes however you see fit — but only if you want to. It’s already super simple to use right out of the box. Change it, don’t change it. Whatever you want.
Want more details? Need help? Visit our website: flicktunes.com
What's new in Version 1.7.8
♫ iOS 4.2 ready
IPA size 0.9 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
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FlickTunes Music Player — Gesture Controls for Car & GymIPA App Version 1.7.8
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