Super Marble Roll IPA Game Version 1.0

Super Marble Roll IPA Game Version 1.0
Super Marble Roll IPA Game Version 1.0
a killer iPhone tilt control game – iPhone Footprint
an addicting challenge which hasn’t been seen on the iPhone since Super Monkey Ball - iPhoneAppReviewer
I have spent a little time playing Super Marble Roll and find the controls and implementation of the accelerometer to be phenomenal – The iPhone Blog
Flawless stability and control - iPhoneAppReviewer
It looks good, sounds good, and the animation of the ball rolling is extremely smooth which is one reason the controls feel so natural! - WhenWillApple
Definitely something I’ll keep on my iPod - iPhoneAppReviewer
control of the marble is the best I've seen in any ball rolling game I've played - bluecanary81
The controls are butter smooth and the fps is perfect. - llofte
Must have for any marble gamer. - Marble blasted

Use the remarkably natural tilt controls to guide your marble through a variety of deviously designed courses. Negotiate platforms, collect jewels and avoid deadly drops whilst battling the clock in an exciting race to the finish.

Build new high scores over three difficulty levels by completing each course in record time.

Super Marble Roll is an arcade action game, blending the timeless gameplay of classic arcade machines with refined production values to form a new benchmark in accessible handheld gaming.

Experience the compulsive just one more go flow of Super Marble Roll today.

Simple - Engaging – Fun


a killer iPhone tilt control game – iPhone Footprint
an addicting challenge which hasn’t been seen on the iPhone since Super Monkey Ball - iPhoneAppReviewer
I have spent a little time playing Super Marble Roll and find the controls and implementation of the accelerometer to be phenomenal – The iPhone Blog
Flawless stability and control - iPhoneAppReviewer
It looks good, sounds good, and the animation of the ball rolling is extremely smooth which is one reason the controls feel so natural! - WhenWillApple
Definitely something I’ll keep on my iPod - iPhoneAppReviewer
control of the marble is the best I've seen in any ball rolling game I've played - bluecanary81
The controls are butter smooth and the fps is perfect. - llofte
Must have for any marble gamer. - Marble blasted

Use the remarkably natural tilt controls to guide your marble through a variety of deviously designed courses. Negotiate platforms, collect jewels and avoid deadly drops whilst battling the clock in an exciting race to the finish.

Build new high scores over three difficulty levels by completing each course in record time.

Super Marble Roll is an arcade action game, blending the timeless gameplay of classic arcade machines with refined production values to form a new benchmark in accessible handheld gaming.

Experience the compulsive just one more go flow of Super Marble Roll today.

Simple - Engaging – Fun

HINT: The game will auto-save if you quit out during gameplay (by pressing the home button).

HINT: Tap on aircraft for bonus.

What's new in Version 1.0
* iOS4 compatibility

Version: 1.0
IPA size 12.9 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.2 or later

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