RPG Scribe IPA App Version 1.1

RPG Scribe IPA App Version 1.1
RPG Scribe IPA App Version 1.1
It is much more than just a digital character sheet. Thanks to specially designed wizards, you can easily create and level-up your hero step-by-step. The application is very sophisticated inside, yet incredibly simple to use. Here are some prominent features of this App:

* CHARACTER CREATOR – create new character in seconds!
* LEVEL-UP WIZARD – leveling up your character has never been easier!
* Keep track of your level progress, hit points and other stats.
* Manage your skills, feats and spells. Keep track of your wealth and inventory.
* Quickly view stats of classes, feats, spells, etc. with links to full on-line descriptions on 'D&D Wiki'(*)!
* Race, class, selected feats, etc. will affect your statistics according to the rules, all automatically.
* Full support for multi-class characters.
* Well designed, easy to use interface.
* Great for both players and GMs!

(*) http://www.dandwiki.com - this is a third-party resource and it is not guaranteed to be available.

We have taken a great effort to make the underlying mechanics as accurate as possible. We believe that RPG Scribe will become RPG-player's best companion.
What's new in Version 1.1
- Character can now be granted proficiency with any weapon using 'Proficiency' tab;
- Unarmed Strike can now be selected for feats like Weapon Focus;
- Added beautiful new race icons;
- When adding a new item, its size can now be automatically set to match character's size. Turn this feature on in the 'Options' menu;
- Jump skill modifier is now affected by character's speed;
- Tags for skills like Craft(...) can now be customized;
- Minor presentation enhancements and bug fixes;

IPA size 3.6 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1.2 or later

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