Self Timer IPA App Version 2.0

Self Timer IPA App Version 2.0
Self Timer IPA App Version 2.0

Imagine it's 16:27 and the sun is about to disappear behind the Matterhorn. Your ski instructor just broke his leg and you and your snow buddies are stranded in the Swiss Alps. Now, who is going to take that picture for your Facebook page? Self Timer to the rescue! Push, pose, beep, smile :)

Whatever your adventure, photography buffs will appreciate that the time delayed shutter release reduces camera shake on long exposure photographs. Self Timer allows a delay of 2, 10 or 15 seconds.

With Self Timer in your first aid kit you'll always get the perfect shot!

What's new in Version 2.0
• Now you can set up shots in sequences of 2, 3 or 4 photographs.
• Geotagging functionality, so your pictures will contain information about where you are.
• Now the timer feature is set directly on the display.
• Retina display
• In addition to the specific features of this app, you can now use all the standard features of the iPhone version you're using: Self-timer now supports:

- Digital zoom (iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4)
- Autofocus and Tap to focus (iPhone 3GS and 4)
- HDR photography (iPhone 4)
- Front camera (iPhone 4)
- Flash (iPhone 4)

IPA size 0.7 MB
LANGUAGES: English, Italian
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later

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