SkySafari Lite IPA App Version 2.1.1

SkySafari Lite IPA App Version 2.1.1
SkySafari Lite IPA App Version 2.1.1
SkySafari Lite is the intro version of SkySafari, our professional iPhone astronomy software. SkySafari Lite shows you nearly 120,000 stars, plus 220 of the best-known star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies in the sky. It displays all the major planets and moons of the Solar System using NASA spacecraft imagery, and includes a database of several dozen asteroids, comets, and artificial satellites.

SkySafari Lite accurately shows you the sky from any place on Earth, at any time up to 100 years in the past or future. SkySafari Lite also includes informative descriptions of the constellations, stars, and planets. It contains hundreds of images from NASA space missions, the Hubble Space Telescope, and from the world's foremost astro-photographers.

If you have an iPhone or iPad with a compass, SkySafari Lite can show you the sky in same the direction that you're holding your phone. Shake the phone to activate its compass and accelerometer - now you can identify stars and planets by holding your phone next to them. You can find any object in the sky by following an arrow that points in its direction.

SkySafari Lite contains interface themes let you change the look-and-feel of the app. In addition to the Classic look, there's now a cool black Onyx theme, and a Night Vision theme that preserves your dark adaption as you're exploring the night sky.

The Time Flow feature lets you animate the night sky using simple VCR controls. Follow the motion of the stars and planets as SkySafari Lite compresses days, months, and years into a few seconds.

SkySafari Lite's simple user interface makes it an invaluable tool for exploring the night sky.

What's new in Version 2.1.1
1. Fixes problem with landscape-orientation display on older iPhones and iPod Touch models.
2. Fixes problem with the compass being stuck in a particular direction by using the magnetic heading when the true heading is not available.
3. Correctly restores the time increment setting in the Time Flow controls from previously-saved settings files.
4. Correctly dims outer planet moons when they are eclipsed by their primary planet’s shadow.

IPA size 37.6 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

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