Taxometer - the mobile taxi cab fare calculator IPA App Version 1.2.3

Taxometer - the mobile taxi cab fare calculator IPA App Version 1.2.3
Taxometer - the mobile taxi cab fare calculator IPA App Version 1.2.3
Reviews: writes:
A ‘practical’ additional feature: The Drunken-Mode. The application has your home address stored so that when you want to calculate the taxi fare ride home from your current location, Taxometer just needs to be started and shaken. All you have to do then is push the big button that appears on the screen to call the taxi company. writes:
Thanks to the iPhone App Taxometer, you never need to pay higher prices than you should for a taxi ride ever again. writes:
The absolute highlight of the App is without a doubt the Drunken-Mode: Overall the App is very user friendly - the Drunken-Mode and taxi fare cost overview functions in particular. writes:
With the App Taxometer, you never need to ask the question ‘How much do you think the taxi ride home going to be?’ ever again.

Financial-Times Germany writes:
For drunken control freaks Taxometer has another great feature: simply shake the iPhone when it is in ‘Drunken-Mode’ and the app will calculate the shortest route home. writes:
The money has almost run out, the last train has gone – The iPhone App Taxometer helps to get you out of awkward situations.

- A database with 150 taxi fares in Germany and over 270 Worldwide.
The taxi fare for a route will be calculated and clearly illustrated by Taxometer.

- Trips can be calculated for all tariff zones and countries in advance (at home or by using hotel WLAN) when no mobile Internet is available.

- The start and destination addresses can be entered manually or can be automatically selected from the phone book, favorites or history.

- The map view quickly and clearly displays the start point and destination together with the estimated cost. There is a Twitter icon to send your ride information to the world.

- A detailed but easy-to-read price list also appears on the page with the price per unit distance, duration, and the expected final price and the cost of leaving the taxi waiting.

- To adjust the journey details to suit your own needs. For example choosing to avoid or use highways.

- Drunken-Mode – By using the acclaimed Drunken-Mode, a previously stored address can be quickly recovered and the fare from the current location calculated. Only shake the phone!

What's new in Version 1.2.3
- some stability fixes
- minor changes on info text

IPA size 2.5 MB
LANGUAGES: English, German
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.1 or later

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