YGO DeckMaster IPA 1.2.1

YGO DeckMaster IPA 1.2.1

YGO DeckMaster IPA 1.2.1

NOTE: YGO Deckmaster does have Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Red-Eyes Black Dragon, and all the Neo-Spacians, despite what the reviews say. The people who do not find these cards are the ones typing the names without the HYPHENS.

YGO DeckMaster is a Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck Builder and is an excellent companion for any duelist. Packed with the most up-to-date cards, this application boasts over 4,100 different, unique cards at the disposal of the deck builder. Ever textile, Your decks are arranged in a 3x3 grid with multiple pages so you can have an unlimited number of decks and move between pages with a mere flick.

Inside the deck itself cards are organized into the Main Deck, Extra Deck, and Side Deck. Each card type has a unique cell background that matches its type. example: traps have light purple backgrounds. The idea is to make them look like the titles on the cards.

Once a card is selected, another view comes up with all the necessary information on the card as well as the options to add it to deck or side deck. There's a third button also... This one will bring up a fullscreen image of the card you are looking at. This, however, requires an internet connection. See images 3 and 4 respectively. Note: The view iamge function pulls the image off the web. I would advise that you not use this function unless you have a reasonably fast internet connection, as it takes a few seconds even with a good connection.

This app boasts an incredible database of cards. Naturally, you need to be able to search it to find what you are looking for, so that need is accomodated. Image 5 displays someone searching for a specific card. All cards containing the substring being typed are instantaneously displayed for you to scroll through even as you type.

New in 1.1: Advanced search engine to allow you to tell the app things about the card and set parameters so that it will grab all cards that match those parameters.

Not featured in an image is the ability to randomly draw a starting hand from your deck and draw additional cards. This gives you an idea of what hand you'll get in a real duel.

All in all, this is an incredible app and very intelligent. it knows to put synchros and fusions in the extra deck rather than the main.

Now, for a couple things this app can't do: First of all, there is not and nor will there ever be any PvP capabilities for this app. You will never be able to use it to duel. I'm sorry, but that's the way it is. In addition, this app does not limit the number of cards that can go in any particular deck. I did this because I figured that if you cared enough about the limit you would observe it yourself, but there are some duelists that like more than 60 cards. So, I decided to accomodate them. This app contains no card duplicates. Cards that come in multiple pack sets are only counted once so you don't have to sort through all of them. If you like this, then great! If not, I'm sorry. It is up to date, but duplicates are fished out. I'm being honest with you in the hopes that you will know what you are buying and will not be disappointed afterward.

Another note: I plan on doing fairly regular database updates (every few weeks or so) but there may be a small span of time where the database is slightly out of date. I will do my best as the developer to keep up, but give me some grace please. Thank you.

If you are looking for a cool and easy way to keep track of your decks, this app is the way to go. I'd highly reccomend it. I'm a duelist like the rest of you and I know what a duelist would want. Short of the impossible, I tried to make it happen. I'm proud of the finished product and I hope you will like it as much as I did.

What's new in Version 1.2.1
- Streamlined the database compiling algorithm so that it takes less than half the time it used to.

There are no new features in this version, but it does include a very much so needed database update. I have to apologize for the delay in updates. Life has been crazy. I apologize for the inconvenience and i hope you enjoy all the new cards!

IPA size 1.5 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

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