RadX Mobile IPA 1.4.3
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RadX Mobile IPA 1.4.3
Radiology technologist’s mobile positioning guide.
✓Complete positioning guide for over 100 exams!
✓Includes customizable technique chart for EVERY exam!
✓Technique charts customizable to patient size and even your location.
✓Easy to read positioning instructions and variables!
✓Pictures of positioning and and the x-ray itself!
✓Customizable technique Quick Fetch chart for when you only need technique.
✓Customizable series section! Who can really remember every position in a complete bone survey?
✓Customizable hospital extension directory! Look up and DIAL any extension for any hospital department right from your iPhone!
✓New positions added according to your needs! We will add additional exams according to our customers needs. If we get an overwhelming request for a particular exam we will work to add it as soon as possible.
✓Check out our website for additional information.
What's new in Version 1.4.3
Thank you for downloading RadX Mobile. I hope you are getting good use of this wonderful tool. There have been some customers with certain minor issues on certain devices. We have worked to resolve the following.
-Fixed issue of same exam titles showing up when trying to navigate to new exam.
-Extension and series list will now be listed in an alphabetical order for easier navigation.
IPA size 10.3 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
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