Trein IPA 1.16
Do you frequently take the train in the Netherlands? Do you ever wonder where your train is or from which platform it departs? With 'Trein' you can quickly see whether your train is delayed and at which platform you need to be. 'Trein' conveniently gives you all the travel information you need!
— View realtime departure times for the nearest station and your preferred stations in the Netherlands
— View disturbances and railworks
— Plan train trips in the Netherlands
— View the full timetable and the train number of departing trains and planned trips (availability varies)
All features except viewing saved trips require an internet connection (cellular or Wi-Fi). Full timetables and train numbers are retrieved from Realtime travel information is retrieved from the website of the Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) and will not always be in English. This software is not made by or otherwise affiliated with the Nederlandse Spoorwegen.
What's new in Version 1.16
— Fixed crash when planning a new trip in iOS 3
IPA size 3.6 MB
LANGUAGES: English, Dutch
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later
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