Axis3D Camera Tracking for iPhone IPA 1.4

Axis3D Camera Tracking for iPhone IPA 1.4

Axis3D Camera Tracking for iPhone IPA 1.4
★ Create camera rotation tracking using your iPhone 4
★ compatible with 3DS Max, Maya, Lightwave, Softimage, Cinema4D, Blender, After Effects and more.

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★ The camera tracking for the rest of us
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Shot 720p videos and capture camera rotation and acceleration (trepidation) in all 3 axes at the same time and export this information as a virtual camera to be used on your favorite 3D or 2D application.

Axis 3D® is a great tool to create camera tracking backdrops for your favorite 3D or 2D application. As you shot your videos, Axis 3D® records the camera rotation and acceleration and store all data on industry level compatible files. You can THEN import everything on your favorite 3D or 2D animation software and create professional amazing stuff combining real and virtual objects.

You can use Axis 3D® to simulate real life situations like walking, earthquakes, camera or ground trepidation, bike or vehicles accelerations and use this to animate your 3D models or other objects making them behave like the real ones.

There are two ways to use Axis3D:
1) shooting the video and grabbing the tracking data with your iphone 4 or
2) strapping the iPhone to a high quality production camera and using just Axis3D's data, if you need higher precision.

NOTE: The most precise way to use Axis3D is strapping the iPhone on a high quality camera and use the application just to grab the data. Know why at:

Files created by Axis3D are compatible with at least the following applications and versions:
★ Autodesk 3DS Max 2011
★ Autodesk Maya 2011
★ Newtek LightWave 9.6
★ Autodesk SoftImage 2011
★ Blender 2.4
★ Maxon Cinema 4D v.11
★ Adobe After Effects CS4
★ any 3D/2D app that can read Collada or Maya ASCII files

You can also have other uses for Axis3D. Imagine that instead of shooting a video and tracking its camera you want to animate a plane doing all sorts of wild movements, loops, spins, banks, trepidations, etc. Imagine doing all this by creating keyframes on a timeline of a 3D application. Now imagining grabbing an iPhone in your hand running Axis3D and using the iPhone as it was a plane. That's it. You import the data on your 3D application, transfer the animation curves to your model and that's it.

The only limitation is your imagination.

For more information visit

Don't waste time. Create professional animations using Axis3D Camera Tracking for iPhone!

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Note: if you find a bug, instead of bashing the app or calling us hustlers, please contact the support. We are happy to fix the bugs fast as possible when we detect them or when the user is supportive and helpful to tell us about the issues. Thanks.
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What's new in Version 1.4
* fixed a problem in iPhone 4S of files never finishing render.

IPA size 1.3 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod touch (4th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, and iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G. Requires iOS 4.3 or later.

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