Gaia GPS - Offline Topo Maps, Compass, and GPS Tracking for Trails – Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Camping, Running IPA 6.1

Gaia GPS - Offline Topo Maps, Compass, and GPS Tracking for Trails – Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Camping, Running IPA 6.1

Gaia GPS - Offline Topo Maps, Compass, and GPS Tracking for Trails – Hiking, Biking, Skiing, Camping, Running IPA 6.1
WARNING: As of November 21, 2011, USGS topo maps are no longer working in Gaia GPS - you will be limited to the OpenCycleMap topo maps. Trimble/MyTopo took down the server with no warning, in order to cripple our app and attempt to win with their line of GPS apps. We are now working to stand up a new topo server - we should have a reasonably good alternate source available later this week.

Gaia GPS is the ultimate app for backcountry, off-grid, and off-trail adventures.

Painstakingly crafted over the last two years by a pair of backpackers, Gaia offers the full functionality of a handheld, backcountry GPS unit. Once you use Gaia, your other hardware will collect dust.

►► Quotes

"Gaia GPS can get you where you want to go, no matter where you are."
FOXNews, TappedIn -

"Gaia GPS proved the best app for both platforms…"
Wired UK -

"I tried several and Gaia is the most user-friendly." -

"… it clearly beats out other apps which only have a small set of the functionality ..."
TouchMyApps -

"You can save your tracks, save your maps, save your gpx's, etc. It's pretty freaking cool." -

►► Features

• Download maps for times when you don't have an internet connection.

• No extra charges - download as many maps as you want, and use Gaia on all of your iPhones/iPads/iPods.

• View topographic and road maps. Use CloudMade topo and road maps all over the world.

• Display NEXRAD radar and TrailBehind waypoints on the map.

• Record tracks, waypoints, and take photos.

• Search for nearby waypoints and reports about places.

• Import and export GPX files, by email or to

• Customize all aspects of Gaia, including units, coordinates types, color and sound, and more.

►► IMPORTANT - IPOD TOUCH AND NON-GPS IPHONES - This application will not be fully functional on these devices. The GPS Recorder and compass will be inactive. You will be able to view maps and waypoints, but you cannot record tracks.

►► GPS WARNING - Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

►►About Us
Gaia GPS is a full-featured outdoor GPS app, developed by Anna and Andrew. We wander around with our dogs and like to pitch our tent wherever Gaia leads us. Please email us with questions, bug reports, feature ideas, and other feedback at
What's new in Version 6.1
New Map Downloading System
* queue up multiple downloads
* download status shows in Maps table
* switch in Settings to toggle auto-resume downloads on launch
* from Map Details page, select Resume from menu to bump Map to front of queue
* large downloads now start faster

Data Integrity
* the first time you launch the app, it checks all your maps to make sure you have the all tiles
* whenever the iOS version changes, it does another data integrity check
* you can trigger a Data Integrity Check via Settings
* Settings displays the date for the last Data Integrity Check

More New Features
* Search This button for POIs
* map outlines show in different colors on map download screen
* you can now name a map as you make it
* made map layers menu slightly taller on iPad to accommodate all layers
* waypoints can now be viewed on the Satellite view
* added automatic crash reporter to Gaia GPS (Crittercism)
* have map labels start by saying (“Swipe me to set”)
* re-added faster OpenCycleMap source (somehow got changed back before)

Bug Fixes
* deleting overlapping maps will no longer possibly delete tiles you need
* importer will no longer shorten tracks in a bad way
* ascent/descent measure is improved
* fixed Current Speed on 3GS
* fixed satellite map dead zone under retracted controls
* fixed bug where you sometimes have to shut down again to get an import to work
* added check for device with no email to Gaia when trying to send email
* fixed disappearing map controls in iOS5
* fixed a memory bug related to making a route

IPA size 9.2 MB
LANGUAGES: English, Chinese, German, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later

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