Geocaching IPA 4.5.7

Geocaching IPA 4.5.7

Geocaching IPA 4.5.7
Geocaching is a global treasure hunting game. Participants hide & seek hidden physical containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share their adventures online. Find out more about geocaching at



"Worth Every Penny!" by Don Presley

"By far my most used app!" by ptoto

"Geocaching with iPhone is fantastic!" by macpug

"My little girl thinks she's Dora the Explorer" by Roy Jones

"Anyone can geocache now!" by Seasnoboarder


Groundspeak's Geocaching Application provides real-time, direct access to's database of worldwide geocaches, as well as many other features designed to provide you with a lifetime of outdoor geocaching adventure anywhere in the world!

- Direct access to over 1,500,000 geocaches around the world including description, hint, attributes, gallery photos, trackable items, and recent logs

- Ability to log geocaches and trackable item finds and submit field notes to

- Search by current location (iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4G), address, home coordinates or geocache lookup code

- Save geocache listings, including maps and photos for quick retrieval and offline use

- Filter hides and finds from search results using your account

- Navigate to geocaches with a simulated compass arrow (iPhone 3G, 3GS and 4 only)

- Look up trackable item details, including item goals and descriptions, while on the trail

- Access recently generated geocaching pocket queries ( Premium Members only)

- Embedded web browser for viewing geocache web pages on without leaving the application.

- Visual indications of Premium, Inactive, and Found geocaches

- All basic information for viewed geocaches, including maps, is cached on the device automatically.

- Sort geocache lists by the order in which they were saved.

-Browse photo gallery and attributes for geocaches.

-Google Maps integration

-Ability to take photos and submit them with geocache logs.

-Ability to submit logs for Trackable Items

-Logs tab - Displays pending and sent logs with status and editing available

-Enhanced Pocket Query download reliability

-Enhanced offline capability

-iPod Music available while using application

-Home location support: please specify home location in your profile to benefit from this feature

-Notepad for each geocache listing which saves any text you type

-Viewing any list of caches on map is now possible

-Viewing your Trackable inventory is possible

NEW in Version 4.5:
-Advanced Search Filter
Filtered search by Location, Cache Type, Keyword, Difficulty/Terrain, Exclude my finds, Exclude friend's finds, Premium Caches

-Sync Personal Cache notes between the geocaching website and your iPhone

-Create multiple offline cache lists to plan outings; useful when you may be traveling outside network coverage

-Numerous bug fixes to improve performance and reliability

If you like hiking, biking, camping, traveling, you are going to love real world treasure hunting with Geocaching! There are geocaches hidden all over the world for every member of the family to enjoy. So, get out there and play!

What's new in Version 4.5.7
Temporarily removed Bing maps from available mapping options due to a new licensing policy introduced by the map provider.

IPA size 10.1 MB
LANGUAGES: English, Bokmål, Norwegian, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Slovak, Swedish
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later.

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