TipSaver IPA 1.5

TipSaver IPA 1.5

TipSaver IPA 1.5
TipSaver is the best expense tracker and tip calculator... now with charts, gps location, and maps!

NEW! Added iOS 5 support for Twitter. Share your tip percentage. See how much others tip. Are you cheap or generous? Now you'll know.

Big features, small price.

CATEGORIES - track how much money you spent on lattes
DAILY TOTALS - uh oh... did you really spend $38 for lunch and that tank of gas today?
EXPENSE REPORTS by EMAIL - tag expenses for reporting
BEST TIP CALCULATOR - fast tip and split
CHARTS - view your spending trends
GPS LOCATION and MAPS - see where you spent

TipSaver is optimized for point-of-sale expense tracking. This means quick data entry and minimal tapping.

*** Try out TipSaver Free — for free! ***

Use TipSaver to calculate the total bill with gratuity. Use the split function to divide a bill evenly.

Keep track of how much you are spending for meals. Click the QuickSave button as you leave the restaurant to save the transaction.

In another moment, click the QuickEdit button to add details about the meal: name, location, and category. Is this a business expense? You can set that too!

Later, review how much you are spending weekly on coffee, lunch, or even gas! How much does that compare to last week? Or even last month?

Use TipSaver to keep track of your day-to-day spending.

Tip features:
- a clean, intuitive interface
- subtle hints of animation
- dynamic tip and total updates when adjusting tip percentage
- split up to 16 ways
- exact or round up to nearest dollar

More Features:
- save the total (or the split total if splitting) to track your spending
- edit transaction details immediately, or later
- specify, name, category
- location is detected automatically if GPS is enabled
- view the location on a map
- chart shows spending trends
- group transactions and see totals by category, week, month and year
- standard categories include meals, taxi, toll, and fuel
- flag a transaction as an expense
- email an expense report
What's new in Version 1.5
iOS 5 only
Twitter support
Shows tips percentage in detail view
Obligatory, yet ambiguous, "various bug fixes"

IPA size 0.6 MB
REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

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