Requirements: Android 2.2 and up
Overview: SuperTube Pro is a Youtube player supports repeat playlist, background playback and floating window (popup).
SuperTube Pro APK v1.3.2 for android application
The main features of SuperTube:
1. Video quality control, play HD videos
2. Background playback, with notification to quick return to player
3. Repeat playback, repeat playlist or repeat one video
4. Playlist manage, create new playlist, update video in the playlist
5. Floating window playback, with a small playlist after popup
6. Video search and many video discovery options. Filter video by time, order by view count etc.
7. Handy sliding menu to quick changing video and to peek currently playing.
8. YouTube Channel and Subscription support
9. View comments and relate videos
What's New
( I need your support, please give a 5 star rating to the app. )
480p support
add account when login
many bugs fixed
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